With everything going on across seas in Ukraine, MacGregor Elementary is stepping up to do what it can.

Bryan Marriott, principal of the school, says that they found a way to help the Ukrainian people struggling right now.

"There's not a whole lot that we can do being so far away, but we wanted to support them financially. So, we've got a raffle going on. The Student Council has purchased a really nice barbecue, and we actually partnered up with the Canadian Tire out of Portage, who donated a bicycle."

Marriot notes that they have been selling tickets for the raffle throughout May, and the draw for the two prizes will be taking place on June 3.

"All the proceeds that we get from that, we're going to donate to the Red Cross for the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine. So, our goal is to raise $600. We're hoping we'll be able to provide a little bit of support from a small rural school here in Manitoba."

The principal adds that people are more than welcome to connect with the school via phone (204-685-2249) or email if anyone would like to purchase a ticket. 

Raffle prizesThe Raffle Prizes.