Portage la Prairie chowed down its fair share of Big Macs Wednesday in support of McHappy Day.

The two McDonald's locations in Portage la Prairie -- at Saskatchewan Ave., and 25th Street NW, and inside Walmart -- raised $5,156 for Ronald McDonald House in Winnipeg. One dollar from every Big Mac meal, Happy Meal or McCafe item went to Ronald McDonald House Charities yesterday. The House gives families of sick children a place to stay while their child is being treated at hospital.

"We had a great turnout ... a huge, huge response from Portage la Prairie like we always have," said Brooke Shalley, General Manager of both McDonalds locations in Portage. "Portage and Central Manitoba are one of the largest users of the house in Winnipeg, so it's great to see people come out and support this because our money goes directly to that."

Over 70 per cent of Canadian families live outside a city with a children's hospital. There are 15 Ronald McDonald Houses and 16 rooms in hospitals across Canada. Over 30,000 families stay in Ronald McDonald Houses in Canada every year.

Shalley notes fundraising totals from McHappy Day in Portage were up this year. In 2016, approximately $4,700 was raised.