Portage la Prairie city council will likely take on a minor cost increase to maintain the city's safety officer position.

In its committee meeting Monday, council discussed the renewal of the safety officer position funding agreement. The salary range for the role is between $60,000-$70,000. It used to be funded through a three-party cooperation, with the city covering 60 per cent of costs, and the Portage Regional Recreation Authority (PRRA) and RM of Portage la Prairie each contributing 20 per cent.

The RM will no longer be contributing. Administration's report to council recommends the city enters a new funding agreement with the PRRA, covering 80 per cent of costs, which equates to an increase of about $14,000 more than the prior arrangement that included the RM.

“We see a lot of value in continuing that position and in fact, providing a little bit more latitude in terms of this person being able to a little bit more for our city,” says Finance, Legislative and Property committee chair Brent Budz. “Obviously safety is a priority of the city among its employees and for the patrons of our city.”

“It's a very important role and one that spans almost all of our operations.”

The city will also allocate new duties as necessary, as the position used to include four working days per month in the RM. The new funding agreement will be tabled at council's next meeting.