The Interprovincial Association on Native Employment (IANE) held it's monthly meeting today at the Miskwaanakwadook building at Long Plain First Nation. IANE co-chair Lorraine Daniels says partners are invited to these meetings along with anyone else who's interested in a roundtable discussion promoting First Nations employment.

Lorraine Daniels "We usually have a keynote speaker," says Daniels. "Today we had Erin Myran from the Portage Learning and Literacy Centre. She has a really awesome program where she works with the employer and the employee. She connects them and uses a twelve-week program."

Daniels adds it's an effort to pool resources with other organizations for the purpose of creating jobs for first nations people. She says much of the meeting was an effort to strategize their efforts as well as have those in attendance share the load for what's required to move forward. Those in present today included first-time representation from Simplot, who spoke about their hiring procedures. Daniels notes it's all about getting word about IANE out there to see more First Nations people employed.