The future of the Manitoba Developmental Centre in Portage la Prairie remains a high priority at City Hall.

Mayor Irvine Ferris says members of the MDC Working Committee met with provincial Assistant Deputy Minister of Community Service Delivery Michelle Dubik on June 29th, and gave an update on alternate uses for the facility and staff. He stresses they've done a lot in the past year.

"We were doing tours of MDC, to show possible user groups the facilities, meet the staff, and create some interest in the institution. The committee's also worked a lot on alternative uses for the institution, so we can maintain those jobs."

Ferris says Committee's getting a lot of support.

"We received support from City Council, in the form of a resolution. The RM Council passed a resolution supporting the work, as did the Portage Chamber of Commerce. And early this year, we received a resolution from the Manitoba Chamber of Commerce, so that was really, really good to get that kind of support."

Ferris calls MDC's impact huge for the local economy.

"Approximately 500 jobs, a payroll of approximately 70 million -- huge economic impact on not just Portage, but the entire region. We have people that work at MDC that come from as far away as Gladstone, St. Claude, MacGregor, Austin, as well as a lot in the City of Portage and the RM of Portage. This is out third-largest employer in Portage."

Ferris adds they'll soon meet with Families Minister Scott Fielding, and bring him up to date on the Committee's work.