Three new park benches were unveiled yesterday throughout Portage la Prairie, including Island Park, McKay Park, and a park by 7th Street NE and Saskatchewan Avenue. PCRC Executive Director Val Garlick shares what it's like to finally present see them.

Park bench in shape of bear"Wonderful, wonderful. It's really something that's meeting a need -- some seating -- at our parks. But also they're all adding something to our parks. It's art and it's functional. It's such a great combination to be able to enjoy this summer."

Yvette Cuthbert made two of them onsite, in the shape of animals, and says it took about 20 hours for each one.

Park bench in shape of wolf"It's always good to see the comments of people when you're working on it -- their interest in it. They told me they'll have to check back when it's done."

Andreas Knaub made the third for Island Park, and explains the source of his design idea.

"It's actually my wife (Emma). She gave the idea to create this bench. I spent lots of time carving it. It was just a piece of granite. It's a unique piece in the whole province, and that makes it special for the entire town, and maybe even Canada."