Sparks flew Friday night at the Threshermen's Reunion in Austin.

The Sparkler Show was the highlight of the night on the grounds. Hundreds gathered to watch several tractors run at a high capacity while shooting sparks out of their smoke stacks when the sun finally set. Andrew Beamish of Brandon took part in the sparkler show and explains how it's possible.

"We basically burn sawdust and then put the engine under a very heavy load. When it's at a heavy load it brings a lot of air into the firebox, creates a huge draft, and that sucks the sawdust while it's burning through the flumes, out the smoke stack to create a beautiful spark show."

One of the brightest shows put on by one of the tractors. (Photo by Aaron Wilgosh)

A 74-year-old visitor witnessed his first ever sparkler show and says it was something that people need to see, and it was better than any firework show he'd ever seen. Several others were very happy with the show and very intrigued at how it was possible. Gerald Dueck was one of many who helped get everything into position, and ready for the show.

"A lot goes into getting these machines ready to fire off sparks," says Dueck. "We run the engines under a very heavy load and it creates the show. It's basically the same amount of work it takes to run a separater. It all ended up looking really nice."

The Threshermen's Reunion continues in Austin, Manitoba throughout the weekend. Check out more photos below.