A city councillor in Portage la Prairie says he's hearing no shortage of negative feedback, when it comes to the installation of temporary barricades around Crescent Road. The pylons were set up earlier this week, to simulate the curb extensions or bulb-outs the city intends to install next year. Ryan Espey says the city's been hearing many concerns surrounding the barricades, as well as the reasons they were being placed. He notes there's a real misconception among residents that they only started looking at bulb-outs after a petition concerning traffic on Crescent Road was submitted to the city.

"This was a concern brought up a long time ago about pedestrian safety and their ability to cross the road to access the walking path or anything else on the lake side of the road. Instead of going with traditional crosswalks, we looked for ideas that would make things safer."

Despite best intentions, Espey says between social media, emails, and other interactions, there's been numerous complaints about the bulb-outs, and the trial run being conducted this summer. He says everything from traffic concerns for larger vehicles, to possible collisions, and even concerns from pedestrians have all been expressed to him. While the plan to install the permanent curb extensions is in the city's budget, Espey says they are keeping tabs on all of the feedback coming forward.

"We're evaluating this and no decision has been made as of yet. We can admit when we've made the wrong decision. If it comes out of this that this isn't the right thing to do then lesson learned, so be it."

Espey notes residents shouldn't be so quick to judge the bulb-outs based on the pylons. He notes the pylons don't necessarily indicate just how the curb extensions will impact traffic, adding the bulb-outs would look identical to what's already in place on Saskatchewan Avenue.