The RM of Grahamdale's begun the process of re-zoning some privately-held land in the Steep Rock area from agricultural to recreation.

Reeve Clifford Halaburda says the landowners plan to develop some hospitality facilities on the property, geared mainly toward snowmobilers. He feels it's good news for the municipality, because it'll bring dollars into the region.

"Any recreational area, especially during winter months, there are many people that come out from different areas, and go snowmobiling, because e have one of the best areas for snowmobile trails built in the Interlake. And people come out, and go riding -- this is more or less what it's all about."

Clifford Halaburda

Halaburda doesn't know when that development will start.

"First they have to start off with the zoning. Once you get that into the system, then you have to set up a plan of what you're going to do, so you have to go through the process of getting your permits, and meet all regulations. And how it's going to take, I don't really know."

Halaburda says Council fully supports the initiative.