Constable Shannon Neff

The August long weekend has arrived and while safety might not be top of mind, it should be part of your holiday plans.  Constable Shannon Neff from the Portage la Prairie RCMP detachment says if you're traveling this weekend or any time of the year, it's always a good idea to tell someone where you're going and to pack safety gear.  Neff notes make sure your cell phone is charged and you have other necessities in your vehicle, adding it's also good to plan out your route before you leave.  She says if you're going to visit family or friends, let them know when you're hitting the road and when they should expect you.

Neff notes before leaving home be sure to lock all your doors and your garage.  She adds if you're traveling with someone and leaving your own vehicle at home, pull it into the garage if possible.  Neff says if you must leave a car in your driveway, lock it and remove your garage door opener from the vehicle along with any valuables.  She notes leaving a light on in your home or a radio playing is one way to deter thieves, adding it's also a good idea to leave your blinds open when you're going away and to have someone pick up your mail and newspapers.  

Neff says while it's wise to let your neighbours know you will be gone, she would strongly suggest not posting that information on Facebook or other social media.  She adds putting details about your trip on Facebook lets everyone on the web know that your home will be vacant for a number of days.  Neff says people do need to be careful about sharing too much information.  She notes you can also register your home at the RCMP detachment, adding the Citizens On Patrol group will then do periodic residential checks while you're away.