
Hunter Dayholos, Winner of the Canad Inns Pool Party!

7 of our qualifiers in the Canad Inns Pool Party contest gathered at Mix 96 studios to compete in the Ultimate pre-Easter Scavenger Hunt during the All Request Lunch Friday!

Hidden on the first floor were Terrier babies, orange pop, Mix 96 water bottles, chocolate bars, and free Dilly Bar coupons... and the first to find all items on their list won the first round! Hunter and Kieran were the finalists. After a quick chat on-air both finalists were pit against each other to find the most chocolate eggs hidden all over the station... and the final score, although it was very close, was in favour of Hunter, whose birthday is only a few days away! His mom says they'll use the Canad Inns Pool Party to celebrate it. Congrats!

All the contestants got to take home their loot. And it's now officially spring break for Portage, Pine Creek, and Prairie Rose School Division students. Some of the stuff taking place around the Central Plains includes Drama Camp with the Portage Arts Centre and the Spring Break Day Camp with the PRRA.