Big Brothers/Big Sisters in Portage la Prairie want you -- to join their board!

Jan Halmarson has been a board member at different times, and currently serves at the board secretary.

"I believe that it's really important for kids to have mentors in their lives, people who care about them," says Halmarson. "Being on the board helps to make that happen. We're the people that make decisions about how things are going to work."

Halmarson says the majority of kids who have participated in the program, have gained a tremendous influence in their lives. She says that doesn't just go for the little brothers and little sisters!

"The majority of our matches now are in-school mentoring, which is to me, really interesting," says Halmarson. "I like the fact that we're getting high school kids that are making a commitment to someone else, to a younger person. To meet with them every week and to do things with them."

The requirements needed to join the volunteer group is to appear at ten board meetings a year, dedication to the goals of the organization, and working with others to strengthen the agency.

If you are interested in joining the board, you can contact executive director Dawn Froese at 204-857-4397 or by e-mailing her at