Those looking to utilize the snazzy new causeway leading to Island Park are going to have to wait a little longer.

The City of Portage announced yesterday that the multimillion dollar infrastructure project won't be opening this week, and that the new anticipated opening will take place later next week, weather permitting.

"The opening of the Crescent Lake causeway and all of our roundabouts in that area has been delayed," says Portage city councillor, Melissa Draycott. "Be sure to watch our website and our social media pages for updates."

The City of Portage's Facebook page has become a wealth of information for all things roundabouts as of late in an effort to prepare citizens for the change. The social media campaign is complete with graphics, video, and information packets on the do's-and-don't's of roundabout use.

"Slow down when you're approaching the roundabout. Make sure that you're watching traffic signs and road markings - we know it's a new thing for us, and that area is completely different than what we're used to. We do want you to yield to pedestrians at the crosswalks as you enter and exit the roundabout, so be very careful and be aware of your surroundings," says Draycott. "Look to the left for oncoming traffic -- traffic will always be coming from the left, so yield to all the traffic in the roundabout that is approaching your entry point, including cyclists. If somebody is in the roundabout, yield to them if they are coming towards you. Drive slowly in a counterclockwise direction inside the roundabout, and do not stop in the roundabout. You have the right of way over all of the traffic entering."

Draycott adds it's important to always signal and to reduce speed when exiting the roundabout.