With companies recognizing the need for growth in the housing sector in Portage la Prairie following news of recent a billion dollar's worth of investments in the region, city council is currently determining how to facilitate these opportunities. 

Councilor Brent Froese indicated his opposition to current procedures at last council meeting to grant tax incentives to Vionell Holdings, for a development of apartments and life lease condominiums on Meighen Avenue. The tax incentive motion was given first reading this week.

"All of us on council and any taxpayers are pleased to see the city looking at some growth and some investment," says Froese. "That's a good thing. And we know that housing is necessary.  The vacant rates are low. And so, I'm not here trying to slow down any development. That's not my point at all. If there's a company willing to build, that's great."

He notes council's been careful to not get caught up in social welfare since it's not its job. However, Froese adds, giving tax incentives to businesses, "Looks like corporate welfare." He says the city should not be taking money from hard working taxpayers to support a company.

Second and third reading for the plan will take place at next council meeting.