The proposed Phase 2 reopening plan in Manitoba could bring a lot more freedom, but Health Minister Cameron Friesen says it relies on the vigilance of residents.

"Our ability to enact phase 2 continues to rely on Manitobans doing the right things," he says. "This is tricky because the more things start to look like they're getting back to normal, the more people will want to relax what they're doing."

However, Friesen says people must continue to wash their hands, maintain social distances, and stay home when sick.

He notes the Phase 2 proposal includes a number of relaxed restrictions across almost all industries and sectors including increasing childcare centre occupancy to 24 children plus staffing, day camp groups to 24, resuming sports for children and adults, lifting occupancy limits at outdoor recreation facilities and golf courses, allowing direct travel to northern parks and campgrounds, public pools, fitness clubs and gyms opening with limitations and opening restaurants to 50 percent capacity.

"There's lots of good news here," Friesen says. "But we need to watch these numbers... to know how quickly we can flip the switch."

"We all want to get the economy happening again," he adds but says it will depend on Manitobans' continued willingness to follow the health guidelines.

"We're all in this together."

To learn more or provide feedback on the plan, residents are encouraged to visit