KF Aerospace is stepping up to the plate to provide the Portage District General Hospital with some much needed help.

"We came forward," says Peter Fedak, KF Aerospace Site Manager. "I was talking to Erin (Miller), and immediately we were approached to provide a helicopter to provide some of the test flights that are to go in and out of the space. So, of course, that's right up our alley, and we do that with STARS annually. We'll do some of the test flying, and then all of that goes in a package and gets sent to Transport Canada for approval."

Fedak says STARS doesn't have spare helicopters for tests, but KF Aerospace does, and they're handy to the hospital. This way, he notes, STARS can continue their service without interruption for tests. Fedak says as soon as they get the call, they can have a helicopter for testing in one or two days.