The lack of snow this winter has allowed the City of Portage la Prairie to work on some other projects, as they're not too busy with snow removal.

Manager of Public Works Brian Taylor explains what they work on.

"With the lack of snow that allows us to get into our other projects we have. Such as the forestry industry there. We have five routes that we work on, one per year. We work on doing all our tree trimming throughout the winter. We also have necessary removals that might need to get done. At the same time there's always equipment maintenance that the guys are working on. These same guys are the ones that put up our Christmas decorations and they've all come down already," says Taylor.

Taylor says we haven't really seen that much snow in recent years, with a couple exceptions.

"Last year we got a couple of good dumps around Christmas, and the two years pior to that it was pretty light on snow again. The last four years have been kind of odd as far as temperatures and snow amounts that we received," Taylor says.