Many attended the Remembrance Day service at Stride Place last month, but for one veteran and Royal Canadian Legion Branch 65 member, Bob Oldford, Ottawa is where he decided to go.

Oldford says that he embarked on this journey because it was a trip that he had initially hoped to go on with his late wife. Oldford says that he was thankful he could go with his grandkids.

"We were in Ottawa for roughly four or five days, and during that time, we got a chance to go to places like the Canadian War Museum, which ended up being a three-hour walking tour going through the museum and a lot of great history. But, of course, we also went to the remembrance day service, which was an item on my bucket list."

While attending the ceremony, Oldford was spotted by a couple of National News outlets, and he says that talking to them was a fun experience. He mentioned that he had been on TV before; however, he was surprised to be on national TV. 

Oldford says one of the best moments while in Ottawa was seeing all sorts of different ages in the crowd. 

"It was interesting because as I looked around the crowd, there was, of course, a lot of ex-military people. There were a lot of current military, RCMP, and various ones like that. But, there were a lot of kids coming out with their parents, which is great because, for an old guy like me, that means that the Remembrance will continue because kids are being taught to remember, just like we do here in Portage."

Overall, Oldford appreciates being a part of a national Remembrance Day service and says he will remember his experience for many years.