Dakota Tipi First Nation held the Joint Chiefs Assembly for three days this week where a lot of issues were discussed, especially having focused on health and the abolition of the Indian Act of Canada. Dakota Tipi First Nation Chief David Pashé reflects on the event.

Chief David Pashé addressing Assembly after being honoured with blanket for hosting Assembly"As chief of a small community in the south we were very honoured to be selected to host this. We did host one way back in 2010 before my time. It makes our community proud to host a gathering such as this. I know it takes a rotation. I would like to try and host it again."

He notes there's a meeting coming in May that they'd like to host.

"We're talking about an Emergency AMC meeting in May. We're going to begetting in touch with their leaders in our AMC and see what we can do about hosting the two day one here. It's going to be beautiful weather then. In May the spring weather starts. We'll probably have new things growing -- flowers growing maybe (laughs). So, I'm quite excited. We were glad to host this one."

Portage la Prairie Mayor Irvine Ferris was present, and says a lot of familiar concerns were dealt with.

(R-L) Irvine Ferris & Clinton Pashé at Dakota Tipi First Nation"First of all, it's nice to see Dakota Tipi hosting this. This has brought a lot of people into their community, and our community. Certainly a lot of resolutions are being debated. It's much like our provincial organization when we have our convention. A lot of different issues to be looked at. Of course this level of government faces a lot of the challenges we also face. Everything from economic development to infrastructure needs and certainly beyond that."

He notes the issue of the Indian Act came up in the meetings.

"I heard the debate on the Indian Act, and I think some of the speakers said that that debate that has gone on probably for 20 years. So, it certainly continues. It's being talked about and debated today."

(R-L) Grand Chief Derek Nepinak & Dakota Tipi Administrator Eric Pashé