City Councillor Ryan Espey has a message for everyone: stay off the playgrounds.

"You’ll notice that there are areas taped off. All of the playgrounds have surrounded caution. That’s because the playgrounds are closed, and we’ve closed them to slow the spread of the COVID-19 virus because the virus can live on those surfaces.”

The move was announced last week as a general precaution and includes all facilities located on school grounds. He outlines why using them is a bad idea.

“While you might be the only one at the playground, you don’t know who’s been there before you, and who’s going to be there after you, and in many cases, you are there carrying something. All the parks and the green spaces that have exercise equipment along the walking path, the Crescent Lake exercise equipment are closed to the public.”

There are still other ways that you can go outside and stay active.

“You can still go and utilize the active transportation stuff, but as far as anything with structures that kids can play on, including the school parks, have been closed down.”