It's almost open market for Manitoba fishermen.

The Fresh Water Fish Marketing Corporation's monopoly over the Province of Manitoba's fishermen is coming to an end, and Manitoba fishers are excited.

"We're all looking forward to next season with the open market," says Lake Manitoba Commercial Fishermen's South Basin Chair AlIan Gaudry. "I believe July 1 is the date the province has laid out for us to get permits and it's no more a monopoly as of July 1, I understand."

The major change will see competition come into Manitoba and open up business to buy our fish.

"The opportunity here for other markets to come in looks pretty good," boasts Gaudry. "We've met with some buyers that are wanting to set up fish plants and they're getting all the information required like locations and what to set up. I told these guys coming into Manitoba it has to create better prices, and they've gotta create jobs. That's where you start. If you think you're gonna come and get our fish, pay low prices and move to your country and process it there, it ain't happening."

So far three companies have shown interest since Day 1, and they're now getting serious about looking at setting up a plant.

"Things are looking up and we're really excited about the upcoming year because starting in November our fishing season starts, and at that point we'll be entertaining different companies, making us contracts and wanting to buy our fish. We're excited and it looks like there are going to be some exciting times in the 2017-18 season ahead."