

It was supposed to be a year long celebration bringing visitors, current and former Manitobans together.


Manitoba Homecoming 2010 was a mix of events mixing culture and traditions, and leading our provinces 140th birthday was Chair Kevin Walters. He tells us overall it was a good time.

He notes the calendar was full of many different events but the largest Manitoba social on May 15th was a highlight.

Walters points out the year included festivals, concerts, socials, and reunions, and 2011 will begin with another great concert with the WSO. He says as part of the Manitoba Homecoming Legacy plans they will again put on a concert featuring the WSO with 17 other Manitoba artists.

He notes last year there were people looking the day of the concert for tickets, but all 2200 tickets were sold prior to January 2nd.

Walters tells us a bit more about the idea behind upcoming legacy events and how the energy created during Manitoba Homecoming 2010 will continue.