The artists of tomorrow -- and today!

The 7th Annual Art Show and Auction will be taking place this weekend, where the works of preschoolers at the Portage Ukranian Nursery School will be up for grabs.

Director Lori Carpenter says a lot of work has gone into the display.

"We'll be displaying artwork that our children have made over the last few months," says Carpenter. "We have eighty children participating -- pre-schoolers -- and they have each made four pieces of art to display."

She says there is something for everybody.

"The art is very creative," says Carpenter. "The children are allowed to mix colours that they want, they're allowed to do what they want, how they want to put the brush to canvas, and the materials are there for them and they need help with technique, that's allowed. For the most part, we let them have free rein on what they want to do."

The show runs 1-3 today in the auditorium at Trinity United Church.