With Covid-19 restrictions gradually lifting and summer getting into full swing, the Portage Bear Clan's patrols are more or less getting back to normal.

Coordinator Manon Timshel says their volunteers have been very patient and understanding, noting during some of the worst phases of social-isolation the group was holding patrols with a rope with handles placed six feet apart to ensure proper social distancing.

"We were restricting anyone who was over the age of 65 or had pre-existing conditions that might make them more vulnerable," explains Timshel. "Now that things have loosened up a little bit, we are still asking that volunteers who are feeling unwell, or who have been asked to self-isolate to, obviously, stay home. But we have welcomed back all of our wonderful volunteers who are over the age of 65 and who have pre-existing conditions."

She says patrols are back up to two hours and they have also resumed handing out food to the public while on patrol.

"Portage Bear Clan is all about building those community connections and sharing food is such a timeless way to do that with people," explains Timshel. "So, now when we're out patrolling, since it's warmer, we're seeing tons more people walking around. We're able to give out stickers to kids, and water and snacks to everyone we meet. It's been a lot of fun."

She notes even in the blistering heat, Bear Clan volunteers are enthusiastic about heading out on patrol.

"We're having good numbers," says Timshel. "We are hoping to expand to more than one patrol per week. We've been so encouraged that every Friday we've had several volunteers show up."

This evening, the Bear Clan will meet for their patrol at the BDO Centre at 6:00.