Portage la Prairie is set to host a milestone event with the arrival of Manitoba’s inaugural Walk for Autism at Island Park this summer. Tara-Marie Hall, the Organizer and Coordinator behind the event along with the help of her friend Rebecca Harms, shared her excitement and the significance of the initiative.

"We haven't had anything like this in Manitoba, let alone Portage la Prairie." Hall explains, "I am working very closely with the Autism Speaks Canada. The walk was actually originally going to be cancelled, and we had seen that, so I stepped up. We're going to bring some awareness. Autism awareness is wonderful, but the goal really is autism acceptance."

She passionately spoke about the need for education, especially in schools.

"That's our goal, try to teach people young, grow up with it. Hopefully, it'll cut down some of the bullying in school. Knowledge is power. You can't accept what you don't understand, so that is definitely our goal, to bring awareness and education."

The Walk for Autism isn't just about the walk itself; it’s an effort to support individuals and families affected by autism. Tara-Marie’s son, Austin, who is 12-years-old and attends La Verendrye School in Portage, is eager to serve as the ambassador for the event.

Hall stressed the need for volunteers and sponsors to ensure its success. Volunteers are needed for various tasks, and sponsors from across the province are encouraged to contribute to this meaningful cause.

Interested individuals can register for free at www.ascwalk.ca and participate in a creative contest by dressing up according to themes, with Austin being the judge. Volunteers can reach out via email, Facebook, or text to offer their support.

Hall shared her son’s inspiring motto, "Being me is my superpower," emphasizing the importance of empowering individuals with autism and helping them feel valued in the community.

"People with autism are just like you and I." Hall notes, "They just think a little bit differently. They just need a chance, and I want to give them that. I want them to know that they're important, too." 

She urged Portage residents and supporters from across Manitoba to mark their calendars for June 22 and join in the Walk for Autism. Whether as participants, volunteers, or sponsors, every contribution counts in making this event a success.