Not even one millimetre of precipitation was recorded between the 1st and 15th according to local weather observer Henry Romance.

Reflecting on the month that was, Romance says he counted 0.8mm, the lowest amount in a decade. The most recorded over the past decade was 18.9mm in 2020.

Another interesting note involves frost -- only three days (1st, 11th, 15th) were frost-free. For comparison, we had 6 frost-free days in 2022, 11 in 2021, and 6 in 2020.

Temperature-wise, the high average was -7.3 while the low average was -15.5. The warmest day recorded over that span was -3.6 (7th and 8th) while the coldest day was -21.5 (also on the 7th). Over the last decade, the mildest 15-day average was +1.4 in 2021 while the coldest low average was -23.0 in 2018, 2017 and 2014.