Author: J Chris Rennie

Healthy Child Manitoba has been singled out by the Health Council of Canada as an exceptional program. The initiative, spearheaded by the provincial Ministry of Healthy Living, is a cabinet committee aimed at developing programs to improve early childhood development - their initiatives include Healthy Baby community programs and the Families First initiative.

Turtle Mountain MLA and Healthy Living critic Cliff Cullen congratulates the initiative for the award, noting the province has a lot of work to do to when it comes to helping Manitoba's children - especially when it comes to issues such as health and poverty. While he commends what has been accomplished so far by Healthy Child Manitoba, Cullen notes there's still much more to be done.

Among the programs that fall under Healthy Child Manitoba are a number of local Healthy Child Coalitions. Central Coordinator Lois Burr says the recognition means a lot to them, as it also recognizes the Coalitions' community support work.
Healthy Child Manitoba funds the coalitions, and also provides them with various resources aimed at helping parents of young children.