With the blood pressure drug Valsartan being recalled due to a carcinogenic ingredient, Hill's Pharmacy in Portage is taking action.

Pharmacist and owner Rhonda Kitchen explains they're contacting the doctors of the clients whose medications contain Valsartan then calling the clients to advise them of any changes. She notes they have received some calls with concerns from people recognizing the name.

"[They're] recognizing drugs that are similar. For example, some of the drugs that are in the same family would be Irbesartan and Losartan. So, people recognize the 'sartan' part of the name call in concern," says Kitchen. "We've been able to assure them that this specific case is quite isolated to the Valsartan and the other drugs are perfectly fine to be used."

Kitchen also advises people taking medication with Valsartan not to panic.

"Every individual case needs to be treated on that basis. They shouldn't be panicking and stopping their blood pressure medication when the immediate consequence of stopping this blood pressure medication, for some people, is going to be quite a bit more immediate on their health than what is being called a 'potential human carcinogen'," says Kitchen. She notes there is a long term concern with continuing the medication but says just stopping all of a sudden could be more detrimental to one's health than waiting the one or two days that it may take to make the switch.

She recommends anyone with questions call the pharmacy for more information as to how to proceed.