This year's Remembrance Day ceremony in downtown Portage went forward while attendees kept COVID restrictions, and experienced a first in the annual event. It was live-streamed.

Legion Branch 65 President Bob Oldford shares how everything fared in his eyes.

"Well, it sure would have been nice to have it open to the whole public and be able to have it at Stride Place with the usual crowd that we have," notes Oldford. "One of the good things that came out of it was the live-stream. And then also, with the live-stream, we also were able to put the video of the actual service that's still on our Facebook page, so people can view it that didn't get the chance to watch it live-stream. We're at over 3,400 views so, obviously, the live-streaming was a good idea."

He outlines the feedback he received.

"We've got folks who have asked, because they've been shut-in, if we can do this in future years," continues Oldford. "And we're going to look at doing that as well. Even if we do go back to Stride place, I think we'll look at finding some way to live-stream it so that those that are shut-in and those are maybe in places like the manor or Douglas Campbell can actually view the Remembrance Day service from their own place."

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Link to see video:  Click Here.