The Portage Bear Clan is expanding its services in Portage la Prairie. One new program is called Bear Necessities.

Coordinator Manon Timshel explains she's always maintained that the Bear Clan's most important virtue is to listen to its community and to its needs.

"When we went out and talked to people, what we heard is there is a lack of open and available laundry and hygiene services," says Timshel. "Luckily enough, we happen to have a laundry machine. We have a washer and dryer in the basement and we now have drop-in laundry Wednesdays and Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m."

She's notes they've already been very busy with that effort, and decided to use a booking system to better facilitate people through either email or personal meetings at their door.

"And then the second Bear Necessity is showering services thanks to the Great Canadian Dollar Store," continues Timshel. "They came here the other day and dropped off a huge amount of supplies, body soaps, shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, toothpaste, and toothbrushes. It's been incredible. That's going to allow us to give people their own little toiletry bag. We don't want anyone to bring supplies. We've got everything you need right here."

She notes people will show up and are given a bag with a towel and some feminine hygiene products, if that's what they need. Timshel explains they'll have 30 minutes to take a shower and get cleaned up.

"We are always wanting to hear from our community about what they'd like to see from us," adds Timshel. "One of the things I've been reading on Facebook that they want to see is expanding patrols. I've just talked to my team and they say they want to do a night patrol every second Saturday instead of just the last Saturday of the month. So, we're going to see that coming in September. You're going to see Bear Clan out on the streets a lot more between 11 and midnight, and we want to expand even more. We'd like to do daytime downtown patrols. We just need the manpower. So, come on down."