The Portage Legion Branch #65 will be running the Remembrance Day commemoration taking place on Thursday.

President Bob Oldford says they will be holding their service at the Cenotaph located on Saskatchewan Avenue, between 1st Street SW and Tupper Street. He goes into detail on some of the items scheduled for the commemoration.

"We are suggesting that people started arriving sometime between 10:30 and 10:45, and the service will start at 10:55," notes Oldford. "If everything goes according to plan with weather and everything else there will be a flyby at about 11:04."

He adds, they will be following all current public health orders, and asking those in attendance to wear masks. He mentions Communities in Bloom have donated some cement benches as a part of their rejuvenation project as well.

"Last year, we had put a basket at the cenotaph if people wanted to remove their poppies and lay them in memory," explains Oldford when asked about people leaving their poppies in remembrance. "It's up to them for where they want to put the poppies. If they want to lay them on the cenotaph after the service, they can do that."

If you are unable to attend the service live, they will be livestreaming on their Facebook page here.