The Portage Rotary Club recently had a great time together while following COVID restrictions.

President Jennifer Campbell shares about their get-together and how the group impacts her, personally.

Jennifer Campbell"Tonight was just about getting together and doing what Rotary loves to do and that's spending time together in fellowship," says Campbell. "Every year, we like to do a Christmas party and celebrate the successes of the past year and talk about what's coming. This evening was just about coming together, celebrating our successes and having a look at what might be coming down in the future."

She notes they were, fortunately, able to set it up with groups of ten to be as safe as possible. Campbell says the club's grateful for club member Jan Verway of Tornadoes Restaurant for allowing them to use the facility.

They had about 24 people show up.

"I'm just really proud of this club despite all the difficulties that we've faced as an organization throughout the year," adds Campbell. "One of the things that stood out to me about this organization is that everybody just keeps showing up and trying to be a part of this, keeping the club, and the spirit of Rotary going. And tonight was just another example of that. Obviously, with the restrictions, a lot of people are hesitant, and we're seeing things get cancelled all the time, and still getting everybody together this evening, and doing their best to be safe wearing their masks, and following all the new protocols, but still showing up."

She adds that kind of involvement really shows that the spirit of Rotary is alive and well in Portage la Prairie and that they're going to continue to do what they need to so that they can stay active as a club.