The Manitoba Showcase is in full swing here in Portage la Prairie. The event brings different arts groups from around the province together in one place in order to help prospective arts organizations in finding different acts. The showcase makes it possible for delegates to see if certain performers are ones that they would like to bring to their communities in the upcoming year.

Po Yeh is the Executive Director for Prairie Debut. She says they help smaller communities bring musical acts in that the larger centres have more often.

"Prairie Debut is a touring network, we take classical and world musicians from around Canada," says Yeh. "Across Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. We go to the smaller communities that don't normally have the exctiement and the enjoyment of large concerts that larger centres have more regularly."

Yeh says the act they brought to the Showcase has been playing some impromptu shows around town.

"They're playing a couple of concerts in care at some facilities here in Portage," says Yeh. "We also popped up at the TD Bank branch over the noon hour yesterday. The VC2 Cello Duo will be performing at the Showcase this afternoon."

The Manitoba Arts Network Showcase runs all weekend.