During a teleconference with the province's civic leaders Monday, Health Minister Cameron Friesen and Municipal Relations minister Rochelle Squires reaffirmed government's commitment to keeping Manitobans safe as the COVID-19 situation continues to unfold.

The two cabinet ministers continued to emphasize social distancing and proper hygiene as part of the fight to prevent the spread of the disease. What remains unclear is how those measures will impact the regular business of Manitoba's municipal councils which are open public forums.

On that conference call was Ralph Groening, President of the Association of Manitoba Municipalities (AMM).

"The details of the day-to-day operations of the office is something that is being left for councils to determine, but the province will put out more detailed information on guidance. Minister Squires emphasized that her office is ready to address any challenge that municipal leaders have identified."

This is a busy time for municipal governments across the province as they prepare their operating budgets for the year. Those budgets ultimately need the approval of the provincial government before they can be implemented.

Groening was asked how the COVID-19 situation might impact that process.

"We've had informal discussions about that. I think because of the speed with which this challenge has been presented to us those kinds of responses will be available. For the moment the message is to take care of your health and do the right things. The details of how we manage our business really becomes secondary. It's all about the health and safety of everyone in Manitoba."

Groening says preventing the spread of the virus is a complex issue that presents various challenges and he urges everyone to do their part and continue to follow the health directives that have been issued.