Paving is continuing in Oakville, which is good news for the RM of Portage la Prairie Reeve Kam Blight.

"Just like we did at 5th Avenue a few years back, 6th avenue is fully developed with homes," says Blight. "So, we're going ahead and paving it. We put a tender out, and received multiple bids. We're going ahead with the lowest bid which is Meseyton Construction."

He notes they're happy to report that it comes under budget. Blight explains that means each lot price for homeowners will now be decreased by $2,000, and work will begin as soon as possible.

"There'll be some communication from our office here to the residents on 6th Avenue about how everything will roll out and some of the challenges that might be in place with traffic flow, etc.," adds Blight. "It's very exciting news and we're happy to see that project going forward."