Tomorrow morning you can head down to PCI for their Breakfast for Breakfast fundraiser.

The school's Social Justice Program has been running the event for a handful of years now. City Youth Councillor and Social Justice Group Member Teetee Appah says students at the school have already been donating to the cause. She says the breakfast has been really successful over the years.

"I'm happy that people are taking initiative and seeing that there is a problem and we need to help solve it. And if they can do it in a simple way by just picking up breakfast in the morning for a small fee, I think more people are willing to do so," says Appah.

The breakfast fundraiser supports the Portage la Prairie breakfast program which supports different elementary schools in the city.

Appah says they hope to raise about the same amount as last year's breakfast, and says the funds are really anticipated by the schools they help.

"Last year we raised just under $1,300, so this year our goal is about the same. I know in previous years we've managed to hit that target. We divide the money up pretty evenly, and I know that schools really look forward to getting the cheque from us around the end of the year to help support their breakfast program in the new year," Appah says.

Appah says the breakfast will be provided by various sponsors around the city including Sobey's, McDonald's, Portage Abbatoir, Simplot, and Good Shepherd Parish. She says the breakfast will include pancakes, sausages, hashbrowns, fruit, coffee and tea for only six dollars. The PCI Choir will also be singing as well.

Appah notes the event is open to everyone in the community, and says it's important to support the program as many children rely on it to get a healthy start to their day.