The Portage MCC is starting the year by acknowledging its role in reducing its carbon footprint.

One of the challenges they face is making sure stuff that gets donated to them is all put to good use. General Manager Kevin Hamm says they get in thousands of pounds of clothing every week.

"What is left over, instead of throwing it away or getting rid of it, we pass it on to other missions. Most of our surplus donations will go to other agencies. Some are in Winnipeg, such as Union Gospel Hall. We also share with our local charities in town."

They have partnerships with the Portage Salvation Army, the Family Abuse Prevention Centre, and a few more agencies in Portage.

He says it's important for charities in Portage to work to their strengths. Portage MCC may not have the ability to counsel or provide shelter to those who need it but have their strengths.

"It is our strength at Portage MCC to have received so many wonderful donations from the community, and we have so many wonderful volunteers that are here to help sort, prepare, and display items," says Hamm. "If someone is in need, they can come to us through other agencies, and we can meet their needs exactly where they're at because we have the resources for that."

One thing they also take pride in is collecting people's used bags.

"For many many years, we have been a source for people to drop off their used bags. We re-use bags much more than most," says Hamm. "We're able to sort plastic bags and reuse them as much as we can. when we can't anymore, then we'll recycle them."