It's summer, COVID-19 restrictions have loosened and museums in Manitoba are re-opening. For the Fort la Reine Mesuem, this means something awesome; Prairie Sundays are BACK!

Each Sunday afternoon, between 1:00 and 3:00, you have the chance to check out a different pioneering activity. This Sunday, they'll be making sun tea. What is that, you ask? Well museum executive director Madison Connolly has the answer.


Next weekend (August 1) will feature DIY tin lanterns.


August 8 will be pioneer survival lessons.


August 15 will see the return of a crowd-pleaser: clay-oven baking and butter making! Fresh cinnamon buns with homemade butter? Yes please!!!


The food theme continues with candy apple making on August 22 and, wrapping it all up, salt water taffy on August 29.

You can enjoy Prairie Sundays each and every Sunday with your regular museum admission.