The province released a discussion paper today on their output-based pricing system, the latest step in the Made in Manitoba Climate and Green Plan.

Sustainable Development Minister Rochelle Squires explains the government will be working with Manitoba businesses to develop a system which is specific to the province's emissions profile.

"And this is important because otherwise Ottawa would impose a carbon tax on all provinces that don't come up with one of their own, and that includes industries," says Squires. "Instead of sending $1-billion in carbon taxes to Ottawa, we're working on our own Made in Manitoba Climate and Green Plan, and all revenues will be returned to Manitobans in the next four years."

Squires explains to whom to the system will apply.

"The output-based pricing system will apply to industrial facilities with annual emissions of 50-thousand tonnes, or greater, of carbon dioxide equivalent," says Squires. "Facilities will be required to meet specified emissions targets and will be require to pay our flat predictable carbon price of $25 per tonne or acquire off-set credits for exceedences."

She adds medium-sized emitters will have the option to opt in by 2020.

Squires notes they welcome feedback on the proposed framework and submissions are being accepted until the end of September.