Prairie Rose School Division officials are exploring the idea of bringing French Immersion programming to the southern part of the Division. The program is currently offered in the northern portion of PRSD at École St. Eustache and at St. Paul's Collegiate.

Superintendent Terry Osiowy said there have been some inquiries coming in lately from parents in the Carman area. A community meeting was held in late October to explain to those parents the various details and options of the program.

"It's not just Carman. Do we have interest in Elm Creek? Is there interest in Miami? Is there interest in Roland? And where would we locate it...? If it is in Carman how do you transport?", he wondered.

He explained that the Public Education and Relations Committee is currently exploring the possibility as well as the cost, and noted the big expense will be in regards to the shifting of resources and staffing within a school.

"Because you're still dealing with the same number of students. Rather than having maybe three English speaking Kindergarten classes at Carman Elementary, you may have two English and one French Immersion."

Osiowy added that the opportunity exists to be able to draw on the French Immersion resources and leadership already in place in the northern portion of PRSD.

Currently, the Board of Trustees is waiting for feedback to an online survey designed to help gauge the interest level in the area.

Osiowy said once those responses are in, officials will need to decide whether to move forward and if so, where to locate the program. He pointed out that ideally the Board would like to start the program at the Kindergarten level and see around 20 to 23 students enrolled.

The survey deadline is November 15, 2017.