A local resource teacher is trying to find creative ways to gets students through the pandemic.

Tanis Mauws works at Fort la Reine School. Here’s what she does to brighten the student's day. 

“We’ve had a Facebook page for about two years, but this is the first year I’ve got active on it, and now even more so since the suspension of classes. Once I realized we weren’t going back to school, I decided to do morning announcements from the Facebook page.”

She does a short video, shouts out the birthdays, and gives the students any information needed.

Mauws says it’s a great way to keep in touch.

“Now that there’s no school, it’s a bit different. I’m not in as much student contact daily as teachers are, so it’s kind of my way to connect with kids and parents to still play an active role without overwhelming them.”

She says it’s been different recording a video of the announcements because she’s used to it being done voice only.

“I’m actually really enjoying it. It’s a great way to stay connected, and it’s a great way to give parents and students little ideas of stuff they can do without overwhelming them.”

You don’t have to be from the school to enjoy the announcements. You can tune into them on the Facebook Page.