Manitoba's Office of Rural and Northern Health developed Home for the Summer - a program to draw health care staff who are originally from rural areas back to the communities of their roots for a career in the Home for the Summer program. It's been in effect since 2006. Regional Director Recruitment and Indigenous Employment Holly Leost explains.

"A lot of them are in programs," says Leost. "They've been away for almost a year. Now. it's an opportunity of them to come back into the home community and spend some time with their family and roots. It's a chance to learn about some of the employment opportunities that we have in the rural area -- getting to know the organization."

She says it's a recruitment tool for the many who've left the rural regions for larger centres like Brandon or Winnipeg, or even the USA. Leost says it's a struggle for rural organizations to recruit them into the rural region. Leost says there wasn't such an opportunity before the program. She notes they can showcase their organization. So far, it's been quite successful, increasing students and participants, with 15 positions this year, and 13 in the medical field.

Leost says it's a great connection with participants and staff, noting 80 to 90 per cent return and work for the RHA.

She encourages many who are out in the urban areas and training to return and work for the RHA. Leost says, hopefully, they'll enjoy the workplace after their programs are completed.


Check out the program link: