Dr. Michael Gray

The Portage la Prairie satellite clinic----more commonly known as the walk-in clinic----is now open on Sunday afternoons.  Dr. Michael Gray, president of the Portage Clinic, says having weekend hours is something they've wanted to do for a long time but prior to this year they didn't have the necessary manpower.  Gray notes it's important for people to have other options available when they require medical care on Sundays, adding a trip to the emergency room used to be the only choice residents had.  

He says they were very aware that Sundays were a particularly difficult time for folks, so they're pleased to be able to have the satellite clinic open now from 12 to 4 p.m.  each Sunday.  Gray notes the emergency room nurses are very happy with this decision as well, because it should hopefully improve the flow through the E.R.  He adds the walk-in clinic will likely take quite a number of patients who otherwise would have ended up in the emergency room.  

Gray says you should still go straight to the E.R. for true emergencies, such as chest pains or difficulty breathing.  He notes if you're suffering from something such as an ear-ache or a minor chest infection, or if you need to seek medical advice which doesn't qualify as an emergency, then a trip to the satellite clinic would probably be in order.