Switching it up, is there something you loved when you were younger that... well...


Let's hear 'em.

Carrie Myran
Being around lots of people or in large crowds... the older I get, it has become more important to spend time with people who are important to me. When I was younger I would feel the need to be around lots of people but now I get drained by it.

Kathy Vint-Tomlinson
Anything that spins

Valerie Ross Rutledge
going to Winnipeg

Sandi May

Amy Calder
Using cash to pay for things.

Phil K Gladue
The fair.

Carrie Cousins
Shopping. But back then it was recreational now it's out of necessity

Kristine Loomis

Karlee Vennard

Marla Sylvester - zimmer
Marshmallow 🤮

Patty Mondry
Beans and weiners 🤮

Melissa Bilous
Slides of any sorts

Julia Arndt
Brussels sprouts - they used to seem so yummy but now they just taste like stank 🤷‍♀️

Ain't toppin' that.

- Randy