Portage la Prairie City Council approved a re-zoning application by CHB Developments for some property in the city's northeast corner.

Five undeveloped lots on Willow Bay will be re-zoned from Residential Single Family to Residential Multiple Family.

Councillor Liz Driedger says Council had no concerns.

Councillor Liz Driedger

"Our job as Council is just to look at does it fit within the existing properties, does what the developer wants to do adhere to the development for that area. And there's nothing in our development plan that would not allow him to build a multi-family dwelling in that area."

Driedger sees this as good news for the Portage.

"One of the things that Council's always tasked with is ensuring there's affordable housing in the city. And when you from a single-family dwelling to a multi-family dwelling, there are some efficiencies you can get, and so I think that's what Chris (Bures) is planning to do here, is create some more affordable housing."

Driedger says Council hasn't seen CHB's development plans yet, but that'll happen before shovels are in the ground.