Facebook went down the other day on a global scale, at first I panicked, then I realized the world could maybe use a break from the constant stream of information.

I asked you up at Facebook (yes, I see the irony there) if you could live without the website, and what you might miss about it if it was gone! Here are some of the answers we got:

Jodie Poirier
I lived before it existed so i'm fairly certain I would survive without it again. I would miss the ability to quickly promote the Portage Farmers Market. Facebook allows me to give it a plug on various posts. The list of things I wouldn't miss is long.

Judy Gleich
It would be a big adjustment. Have made so many contacts with relatives and friends that I would not have otherwise.

Leah Kelly McBride
I wouldn't miss it

Brian Latimer
Could easily live without it now.Already miss what Facebook was when it first started. A simple means of keeping in touch with friends and family.Now it is full of adds and negativity

Stephanie Audrey
I could live without it. But it brings me closer to my family. And I would miss being able to share photos with friends and family not in my area.

Bev Tarr
I would miss the fact I can also run my small business on it , but that would be it

Charlene Boak
It was just absolutely heartbreaking yesterday. I mean, there were MULTIPLE times in those lonely six hours that I just REALLY wanted everyone to know my sandwich was really good, but I couldn't even share a filtered picture of it on Instagram. So, I mean, really....did the sandwich even exist?! Did I even exist?!
#instadown #existentialcrisistime

Deanna Jason Otto
Absolutely I could live without it ... like others I would miss the connection with distant family... But I wouldn't miss all the hate and fear mongering.

Gloria Chandler
Not a darn thing !!!

Arlene Beaulieu
I would miss all my pictures and have no way to contact some people. Facebook is my means of communicating with many.

Tanya Coen
I could live without it but I would have no furniture