Mr. Mike's Steakhouse recently collaborated with the Lion's Prairie Manor Foundation to hold its annual Fall Harvest Supper.

The meal was a drive-through take-out that featured pulled pork on a bun, corn, salad, and a brownie.

General Manager Stan Killam Explains how Mr. Mike's got involved.

"This year, they weren't able to have it because of their facility lockdown. The foundation reached out to me and asked if I would have one of my Mr. Mike's hamburger barbecue drive-through that we've been doing this summer. I had enough of them already this year. So, I decided I would do their barbecue."

In total, the meal raised $2980 for the Foundation.

Mr. Mike's has a trailer barbecue, as well as tents and tables, which were set up to prepare the food. Killam says It's rewarding for them to be out in the community.

"It's a difficult job sometimes because we're going to other locations, or we're setting up drive-through's, but it's rewarding for us, and my team of volunteers. Every time that we have one of these (fundraisers), they've been wonderful with it, and put in a lot of hard work."

Mr. Mike's Steakhouse now transitions to its next charity endeavour, called GratiTuesday. Community groups will volunteer their time at Mr. Mike's to wait tables, be hosts, and provide entertainment during the evening to raise funds for their organization.

Killam says it feels good to help out.

"(We're going to do) anything we can to help out. This year is different, obviously, and we're just going to do our best to help out as many people as we can. We have fundraisers coming up this month as well, so we're going to do our best to keep them on their feet."