Carman Collegiate is now a grades 6 to 12 school.

The board of trustees for Prairie Rose School Division has moved forward on a plan to relocate the grade from Carman Elementary School to Carman Collegiate.

Terry Osiowy, superintendent for PRSD, said this shift will re-ignite a middle-years program at the school that had perhaps fallen by the way-side. He noted principal, Jeffrey Latimer, and the staff at Carman Collegiate worked very hard to ensure this was a positive change, adding long term planning for the program is underway.

"We're going to make a real positive focus on creating a middle-years program (grades 6 through 8) that will bring the skill sets/interests for kids to be successful in high school," said Osiowy.

He explained that a councillor and resource teacher are just a few of the people that make up a team dedicated to the middle-years program and students.

Administration and school officials are also working on a project through MASS (Manitoba Association of School Superintendents) and Manitoba Education and Training called W2B, or Wellness to Belonging.

Osiowy added that Carman Collegiate has also undergone physical adjustments in order to accommodate the extra grade.

The designated middle-years area has been re-aligned, the classrooms have been given a makeover and the front of the school has been restructured to create a middle-years entrance separate from the one used by high school students.