On April 22nd, the City of Portage La Prairie will reach a decision on whether to implement a proposed, "Infill Development Rebate Initiative". City Planning and Economic Development Chair Preston Meier explains the initiative would involve refunding existing development fees upon the completion of qualifying infill projects which includes unoccupied and underutilized lots. He says the policy is designed to be straightforward and accessible to developers and calls it a reflection of the council's efforts to promote economic development in the community. "It's a significant investment from the council, and it really shows you where our economic thought process is.". 

Meier explains the proposed policy aligns well with the City of Portage la Prairie's strategic priorities which include:

1. Economic Development
Encouraging infill development will contribute to economic growth by 
attracting investment, creating job opportunities in the construction industry, 
and increasing the tax base through enhanced property values.

2. Sustainable Development
Infill development helps reduce urban sprawl by utilizing existing 
infrastructure and services more efficiently, thereby conserving resources, 
minimizing environmental impacts, and promoting sustainable land use 

3. Community Well-being
Revitalizing underutilized areas through infill development enhances 
neighborhood vitality, fosters a sense of community pride, and provides 
residents with improved access to amenities, public spaces, and 
transportation options.

4. Housing Affordability
By promoting infill development, the City can increase housing supply in 
established neighborhoods, offering a diverse range of housing options to 
accommodate varying needs and income levels, thus contributing to 
housing affordability and addressing housing shortages.


If approved, City Manager Nathan Peto anticipates the rebate will encourage a second stage of life in older neighborhoods. He explains the rebate will cover properties occupied by homes at the end of their lifecycle, aiming to offset demolition costs for the developers. 

"Development and growth in this community is going to happen in a lot of ways but one of the most positive attributes of a growing community is infill development. That means you're reinvesting in older neighbourhoods, you're bringing new life. When people see you reinvesting in older neighbourhoods they want to invest in their house, they want to put in new windows, they want to paint. To see those older neighbourhoods have that second stage of life I think is really positive. You can't just grow on the outside, you've got to reinvest in building your core communities as well." 

Peto says the proposed initiative is time-limited and would be set to the end of the current City Council's mandate; the timeline is also intended to promote prompt project completion for developers. The proposal includes a detailed plan for monitoring and evaluating outcomes on urban growth and revitalization and will apply to projects where the initial construction permit was applied for after January 1st, 2024. 

Citizens are encouraged to reach out to City council with any questions or concerns regarding the proposed initiative; recordings of city council meetings can be viewed on the City of Portage la Prairie youtube channel