Highway conditions are rarely ideal in our area during the winter months. RCMP media liaison officer Sean O'Keefe gives us a recent update of highway collisions.

"Just from November 1st until today we've investigated 59 reported collisions across the Portage la Prairie area and the Central Plains area," says O'Keefe. "Twenty six of those collisions have taken place on Highway 1 which, from coast to coast unfortunately, probably sees the highest rate of collisions. Luckily, we've had zero fatal collisions, and only three have involved non-life threatening injuries."

He notes the most common factor in collisions is speed. O'Keefe says driver inattention and inexperience also play a large part. He adds drivers often don't adjust their speeds to weather conditions as well.

O'Keefe explains drivers should always remember everyone doesn't drive the same. He explains you can do all that's required, but the other drivers may not, making it necessary to be ever-conscious of someone potentially losing control. This is especially important when weather conditions aren't the safest. He says you should also lower your speeds, noting considerably lower speeds than what's posted, while using headlights and four-way indicators to let others know you're traveling slower, will dramatically decrease your risk of an accident in poor conditions.

He notes if you do have to travel in poor weather, give yourself plenty of time, and ensure someone knows the path you intend to take and the time you're planning to be on the road. O'Keefe says details like this go a long way in helping police track people down should anything go wrong.